Dear. We are very very appreciate for joining Tensiya today~*
Tensiya is the name of sweetest doll's boutique where the angels live in and the angels present products to you.
To express our appreciation, we raise $5.00 of your Credit on our shop.
Also, 3 % of the price of the product you purchase will be accumulated into your point.
You can use your point as the same amount of cash value whenever you purchase items in Tensiya.
We call it the Tensi's "Point" System.
Please refer to 'Our Policies' regarding questions about using Tensiya whenever you want.
Congratulations again to joining Tensiya and Have a great enjoy~*
We are very apreciate for you, again :D
Take care~*
ただ今Tensiyaの会員申請を出したところですが、NewItemのTensiYa / Ruを迎えようかな~と思って。
あなたがPaypal支払いを使用するとき、割増料金が全くありません。あなたがクレジットカードを使用するとき、3~5%の割増料金があるのは、可能です、国、銀行、およびクレジットカード会社によって。また、めったに起こりませんが、いくつかの場合、クレジットカード用法では、二重交換料金が含まれている状態で、韓国ウォンから料金を要求することができます。 これらの場合では、元値の最大の10%を請求することができます。より良くて、より安全な支払いのために、もう一度Paypalを推薦したいと思います。
Comparison of the payment by Paypal vs. credit cards :::: We would recommend you to use Paypal for making payments. There are no additional charges when you use Paypal payment. It is possible that there are 3~5 % additional charges when you use credit cards, depending on countries, banks, and credit card companies. Also, even though it happens very rarely, in some cases of credit card usages a charge can be requested by Korean Won with double exchange fee included. In these cases, maximum 10% of the original price can be charged. For better and safer payments, we would like to recommend Paypal once again.
以上是英翻日,無法完全了解英文的意思,翻譯軟體真是幫了很多忙感謝這些免費的網址 !!
總之,殘殘的給他買下去啦:P (8/31 下午四點多)