----- Original Message -----
From: Rika
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: Item Shipped
Dear Shirley and Jean :
I want to apologize for my mis-understanding for the meaning of the
word "Credit" which means that you,the shop give money back to me,the consumer via credit card. I used to hear the term " return" but
not "Credited". I'm very sorry that I make the previous e-mail due to my wrong perception. So I recognize you as good internet shop and would want to resume the cancelled pre-orders. Using the priority mail would be find.
Thank you
Best Regards
Rika Lai
----- Original Message -----
From: Still Plays With DOLLS
To: Rika
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 6:53 AM
Subject: RE: Item Shipped
Dear Rika,
We are glad that you received your Avery. Let us clear up a misunderstanding, you were not charged for another Avery. Your credit card was credited the original charge of $132 for the Avery that we thought was lost. When we originally sent the package that you just received, your card was charged $132. When we thought the package was lost, you card was credited $132. So now that you have received your Avery, we will charge you the original amount of $132.
We have sent many packages to you since April and this is the first time one has taken so long to arrive. We regret that it took so long. We do not know why. We were very concerned. We called our local post office but they could not offer any more information than what we sent you. Since we couldn't pinpoint its location from here, we thought crediting your account and holding another for replacement was the best our company could do.
We are sorry that this one transaction was not smooth but will honor your wishes and cancel your pre-orders.
We would be happy to ship items to you using Global Priority (the shipping costs are a bit higher but there would be a tracking number). We hope you will consider this option.
We thank you and are disappointed that you will not be our customer.
Shirley Devlin & Jean Ann Ovel
Still Plays With DOLLS
7315 W. 80th St.
Overland Park, KS 66204
Phone: 913-341-DOLL
Fax: 913-341-3657
Email: dolls@stillplays.com
Web: www.stillplays.com
----Original Message-----
From: Rika [mailto:rikalai@ms18.hinet.net]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 6:53 AM
To: dolls@stillplays.com
Subject: Fw: Item Shipped
Hi :
The Avery doll has finally arrived yesterday (1/16.2006).
Please don't send and bill me for another one.
Although I receive the package this time ,I feel no security with your
management of mailing process and the attitude for the unreceived package (To bill me for another
one while the responsibility haven't be set for) .. So it is better for me to
cancel all the pre-order that have not been sent to me.
Please give me a confirmation for the canceling another credit card billing and the rest preorders
Dear Rika,
Your account was credited $132. The same amount you were originally charged.
We will send you another Avery early next week after exploring the best mailing options with our post office.
Have a nice weekend,
Jean Ann and Shirley
-----Original Message-----
From: Rika [mailto:rikalai@ms18.hinet.net]
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 7:20 PM
To: dolls@stillplays.com
Subject: Re: Item Shipped
Hi :
I have consulted our post office using the custom number you give us but in vain. So the worst situration is lost. Please mail me another one using insured parcel so we can trace it all the way.( Espressed mail is not needed) . I really appreciate you kind assisstance.
Hope to hear some good news.
We are so sorry that Avery has not arrived, yet! We have always shipped Internationally, Airmail Letter Post, and have never had an item lost. We have a customs number LC622660939US. Hope it is helpful.
You are a wonderful customer and we appreciate your business. We are so happy that you have received all your previous orders. They were shipped this way because it is reasonable. We will credit your account at this time and hope that Avery still arrives, soon. Can't imagine where she is....we hope not missing!
We'll put one aside for you...just in case. Please let us know when she comes.
In the future, Global Express or United Parcel may be better alternatives.
Your account will be credited today.
Shirley & Jean Ann
Still Plays With Dolls
-----Original Message-----
From: Rika [mailto:rikalai@ms18.hinet.net]
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 5:40 PM
To: dolls@stillplays.com
Subject: Re: Item Shipped
Hi :
The Package hasn't arrived and our post office is requesting a serial number for the mail to track it.
So please give us some kind of information to track it. I don't want my following orders to be like this.
Please try to solve this problem otherwise I would be very very worried and hesitated to buy dolls from you.
Thank You
----- Original Message -----
From: Still Plays With DOLLS
To: Rika
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2005 11:42 PM
Subject: RE: Item Shipped
Hi Rika,
We sent your package via International Air Mail on November 30, 2005. I'm sorry, but there is no way to track an international transaction with the Post Office. We suggest you check with your local office. We sincerely hope you receive your doll.
Shirley & Jean Ann
Still Plays With Dolls
-----Original Message-----
From: Rika [mailto:rikalai@ms18.hinet.net]
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 10:37 PM
To: dolls@stillplays.com
Subject: Re: Item Shipped
Importance: High
please recheck it
Though it has not reached yet!! >_<
I'm so worry ~_~
----- Original Message -----
From: Still Plays With DOLLS
To: Rika Lai
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 7:25 AM
Subject: Re: Item Shipped
Dear Rika,
Your Avery is on her way.
Have fun and thank you,
Shirley Devlin & Jean Ann Ovel
Still Plays With DOLLS
7315 W. 80th St.
Overland Park, KS 66204
Phone: 913-341-DOLL
Fax: 913-341-3657
Email: dolls@stillplays.com
Web: www.stillplays.com